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ACE and Early Bird School Registration 2024-2025

ACE and Early Bird School 2024-2025 Registration Form 

Once this form is completed you will receive invoices via email from FACTS. Please note that billing for both registration and monthly plans for these programs will not occur until mid-August.

All bills and payments for ACE and Early Bird School will be submitted through FACTS only.

Please note that effective this August monthly plans will be billed during the month of activity (and no longer in monthly arrears).

Drop-ins, however, do not require registration and will continue to be billed in monthly arrears.

After Care Enrichment Hours and Rates:

3:00 pm-6:00 pm: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday

2:00 pm-6:00 pm: Wednesday


ACE Registration Fee: (NON-REFUNDABLE)

ACE Tuition Rates Per Month:

ACE Wednesdays Only Per Month:

1st Child




2nd Child




3rd Child




4th Child







Drop-In Participants: Unlimited drop-ins are allowed at a cost of $17.00 per day per child. No ACE registration fee is required.  There are a limited number of ACE positions available, and those students who are registered for full-time care have reserved spots.

Late Pick Up Fee: The responsibility to be prompt in picking up your child lies with the parent. If you are late, you MUST call, and a late fee will be imposed.  The late fee is $20.00 for the first 5 minutes and an additional $1.00 per minute after 6:05 pm.

EARLY BIRD (Before School Care)

Early Bird School Hours and Rates:

7:00 am -7:30 am:  Monday - Friday

Drop-in $3; Monthly $50; Semester $250; Annual $500.

Number of Children*
Answer Required
Answer Required
Answer Required
Answer Required
Answer Required
ACE Billing:*
Answer Required
Early Bird School Billing:*
Answer Required
By checking yes, I understand and accept all terms of the billing process stated above.*
Answer Required
Confirmation Email